As a young woman, likely, you were not taught how to look at your body with loving adoration and appreciation. This is true for many of us, even into our developed womanhood.
Yet these two portals in the feminine body are where some of our most extraordinary magic lives and is birthed.
It’s a privilege in my eyes to occupy these beautiful female bodies. However, the Western world works hard to convince us otherwise.
And because of this,
I’ve created
As women, we must never stop deepening our relationship with our bodies. For centuries, we have been shut down, used, abused, and told our bodies aren’t ours and that they aren’t for us to feel pleasure. We have been told we must not awaken our erotic energy and hold all the sorrow and pain inside when our wild feminine nature wants to break free and feel it all, be it all, and embody it all.
In Eastern ideology, the feminine experience is known to be 16 times more powerful than the male experience of living.
Since ancient times, women have been the seers, the healers, and the wise council, as they were believed to have a direct connection to all things universal and earthly. Everything that made them women was seen as a power, a gift, an honor.
The breasts are a direct connection to our hearts. So, it would make sense that one of our greatest blessings is tied to one of our unconscious desires as women. To nurture, to feed, to care for. As for our breasts, we nourish them with our hearts directly attached.
Now, the womb, on the other hand, is another potent portal. From this, we access our sexuality, inspiration, creativity, and life force energy.
When we look at the power of women, it is to create life. To birth that which she so desires. From the womb, she holds, carries, and nourishes. From the breast, she nourishes, expands, and enriches. An ability that far exceeds just the birthing of children.
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Virutally via Zoom
Seek to deepen their connection to their body
Seek to learn how to connect their womb to their heart
Work with the heart chakra
Want to add a self-care/love ritual practice to their toolbox
Clear energy from past lovers, trauma, fixed beliefs
Get closer to their heart's truths and desires
Want to feel more pleasure
Learn the heart’s wisdom
Awaken their heart to open up to receiving love
Heal any wounds around the heart and love
May be breastfeeding and need more lactation or relieve pain from breastfeeding
May have soreness from moon cycle or pregnancy
Want to learn how to drain their lymphatic system to release toxins from the body
Are healing from a broken heart
Want to learn a more pleasurable way to give yourself a breast exam
Become more in tune with their heart’s intuition
Relieve stress from the heart that eases the rest of their body
How to create and set the space for a ceremonial breast massage ritual
New techniques on how to massage your breast for more pleasure, healing, and release
How to drain your lymphatic system that is connected to your breasts and armpits
Feeling more open, free, and liberated
Feeling more connected to your body
Insight into what your heart desires
The wisdom of this ancient practice to activate more deeply into your divine feminine
You will release and move stagnant stuck energy that blocks you from your feeling receptors.
By clearing that energy, you can feel more pleasure and gracefully move emotions.
By practicing massaging your breasts, you will be more familiar if there is any abnormality.
Your breast tissue extends into the area under your armpit. There are many lymph nodes in this part of the body, and massaging them may help stimulate your lymphatic system.
Your lymphatic system is responsible for helping your body flush out toxins.
This is and can be a spiritual practice in that you learn how to deepen your love for life, yourself, others, and the world.
Breast massage is a powerful healing tool for grieving.
Past wounds from loss and heartbreak that cause you to shut down.
Aid your nervous system to down-regulate.
Closer connection to higher self, source, spirit, goddess, god.
Spice things up in the bedroom with your partner by introducing a new sensual foreplay with your partner and deepen the heart and sensual connection with your them.
You can either do the class with a soft cotton tank top to preform the breast massage over your shirt (that’s what I’ll be doing to demonstrate), or a big loose t-shirt or with a shawl over you.
If you will be bare breasted, you will need coconut or some other natural oil.
NOTE: This class will NOT be recorded, so feel free to be as exposed as you would like.
If you feel called to join us and need more clarity, email me to schedule a connection call and we can help you feel 100% in your body with your answer.